Monday, May 17, 2010

Shape Up or Ship Out!

What a Monday! Work is busier than ever which is good but also bad it feels like 4th quarter now... what's 4th quarter going to feel like ???? I'm already worried about it!

In health news... the next thing is hard to admit. At the beginning of this year my cholesterol was TERRIBLE. And by terrible I mean 260 (total)... my LDL has always been fantastic but my HCL CRAPPY. I resorted to medicine but in just 5 months and 50+ pounds and medicine. I've brought it down to 165 (total) . I'm pretty happy with myself. My LDL is 81 which I guess is good too.
I'm so embarrassed to have to tell you how high it was but... this blog is about my experience and I want to make sure if someone is reading this out there with this same issue, they see that it can be fixed! The plan is to continue on the medication for now I suffer from both sides of my family from bad cholesterol. All I can keep in mind is that I'm doing something about it!

Today at work started the "Shape Up Challenge" It's a 12 week program to increase your daily steps walked. They say that most people are between 2000-4000 per day and they want us to work up to 10,000 by the end of this all. The thing about this is... the day isn't over and I'm at 9515 steps... so I guess I have my work cut out for me for more than 10k! Look out LFG I'm gonna be the WINNER!

That's all for tonight... I need to get rid of my hiccups!!
Tuesday night is for volleyball! maybe we will win?

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