Sunday, April 18, 2010

Weekend Update

Oh my! It's been awhile! What a busy week. We are in the midst of a landscaping project. It's going really slow because we... (by we I mean Jordan and his brother Justin) have been removing all the nasty rock from around our home to make way for nice fresh mulch. Many of you may say you'd rather have the rock but... I like the look of mulch and we had almost all thorn bushes around our home and I wanted those ugly suckers out of here! So moving the rock was pretty much inevitable. The other thing that makes it slow is that Jordan works every other weekend and will be going on his annual Turkey Hunt up north with his bestie Trent... man wouldn't he cringe at the word bestie ?? :) Friday Justin loaded up the rest of the rock and hopefully this week Jordan can make some headway!

Saturday morning I made my way over to TD's. I was a bit nervous this week because I felt like I ate a lot more than normal and I had Chinese on Wed which always takes like 2 weeks to be purged from my system :) I dropped 1.2 lbs for a total of 45.2 which is great but not as much as I hoped. I have 4.8 lbs to hit my May 1 goal so I have my work cut out for me!

After weigh in my mom, Mazda, and I made our way up to my mom's hometown of Earling, IA to spend some quality time with my Grandma Koch. Saturday we got the front porch and yard cleaned up and did some other random things. We went to the near by town of Panama, IA for dinner at a small restaurant called Norma Jean's. We took my great uncle Linnie (Linus) and that was a great time. My mom and I were able to split a 10 oz sirloin.

Today (Sunday) we tackled cleaning out the DEEP FREEZE (scary) and got a few more small tasks complete. My grandma also took in some of my work pants so I could continue to wear them as I loose weight. Thanks Grandma. I also washed her car for her. Mazda was a good girl and met a 10 week old Yellow Lab pup named Bentley... Oh my he was such a lover. Mazda ran away twice but we were able to bring her back.

Now I'm just doing house work (Laundry, Vacuuming, Dishes, ect) and getting ready for the week that lies ahead. Mazda is... sleeping next to me hoping I never move so that she isn't disturbed.

My hope is that I am able to curb the snacking this week and bump up the work out intensity and get closer to my May 1 goal.

Much Love!

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