Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Long Over Due

Hello! I've been slacking on posting weekly pics... Mazda ate our memory card and then I got one and just kept forgetting when Jordan was around. Sunday I had him snap a few shots...

In other news... I have a back issue that's been creeping back right has I have started jogging. I visited the chiropractor on Monday and he said to stick to elliptical and bike but I tried that out Monday night and I JUST CAN'T BURN ENOUGH Calories... sad...so...

Tongiht I tried a warm up... 15 mins of ball work... a job work with the medicine ball.... and finished with another brisk walk... Then som stretching. I've committed to cutting out the inclines I was doing... that went a bit further but I still feel like it's a step backwards :( Have to do what's right for my back but I want to keep up with my progress! It's kind of made me unmotivated too... blah...

Oh well... as Dori would say... just keep swimming...

PS. As I agree to loose my incline... Bob with the BL is telling me to burn more calories to bump it up and stop using my hands... OK GOD... is that a sign?!?!

I hope this post finds everyone striving for their goals :)

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