Thursday, November 18, 2010

Head in the Sand

I'm very embarrassed it has been so long since my last post... there is a direct correlation between my lack of posting at how well I've been living out my lifestyle change. I've been trying to get back for the past 2 months and just haven't been able to do it. I just want to feel normal. Go out to dinner with people and not worry about how to order and what the numbers are. I know TD says it's not about the food but... for me... it is I guess? I feel like I was obsessing about food and it was just really wearing me down! I seem to struggle with SNACKING and making terrible decisions out at dinner coupled with over eating. It's resulted in a pretty embarrassing weight gain that I'm not ready to share with the people that probably aren't even reading this anymore....

I'm trying to get back to basics. I joined a gym so that the winter months gave me an outlet for exercise. I've been broadening my veggie horizons. I can tell you I'm trying but it's hard! I have to remind myself it's not a race it's OK to fall but you have to get back up.

Our little terrier Mazda has been escaping recently. I asked Jordan why she is doing this.... his answer not only was right on but answered questions about my diet and food struggles "She got a taste of freedom and liked it" Same went for me! This is why TD has such strict rules about staying on target!

This is my promise that starting today I want to get back to it. Keep the goal of our Trip in mind and possibly loose 20 more lbs before 201o is over.

I'll blog again soon! Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


OMG a month since I last posted... man am I lame or WHAT?! I'm sorry... I think I said that in my post a month ago! It's been a busy month and I have been less than awesome at lifestyle changes....1400 calories is hard to live by and I'm finding it next to impossible when I'm a picky eater who loves food that's bad for you when I go out to eat. AND I hate salads... I don't know anyone who gets full on a salad... and I'm super picky about my dressing... only Italian and NOT sweet. To be honest I've been on the verge of giving up a few times recently like my heart is just not it in.

ALAS I caught Jackie Warner's Thintervention and have a renewed sense of motivation... I'm just around the corner from hitting 70 lbs and If I don't do it this Saturday it will FOR SURE be the next !!! I also have been recently reminded that I've come so far. I can't judge a bad/slow couple of months when comparing all the successes I've had.

Weight loss lifestyle changes are HARD.

That's all I have for tonight I'll keep plugging along. Have a good week!

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Once again life has gotten in the way of blogging!! I didn't get to 70 lbs by the time we left for Michigan but after weigh inn today I don't feel so bad about WHY. I did loose a .5 lb this week but I was pretty bummed. TD felt it was time to reduce the calories. If I would have started the program today I would have been given the calorie max of 1400 instead of 1650. I have mixed feelings about my calories being reduced this low... I now feel like maybe I couldn't get what I wanted out at dinner. The other part of me knows this is probably what I need to get me over the hump and on to my goal.

The new puppy keeps us pretty busy. After a month today he is finally starting to get the hang of the potty training thing! That makes this puppy mom VERY happy. Titan and Mazda continue to get along great and they love playing from the time they get up from the time they go to bed!

On the exercise front I got some new shoes and I LOVE them! Due to the wide feet I have New Balance is the best shoe for me and I dropped some dough on a really great pair this time around! I'm in Week 5 of C25K. I took about 3 weeks on week 4 it was a big change for me. Week 5 should have 3 days. First is 5 min runs and 3 min walks. 2nd Day is 8 min runs and 5 min walks. Third day is 20 min run no walks. So far I've just been doing Day 1 every day but I feel like this upcoming week I should be able to transition into Day 2.

This week is very exciting because Wednesday morning we will leave for Michigan!! I am so excited and can't believe it's been over 2 years since we went last! I'm worried about leaving my fur babies for so long and also worried about how I will do on my diet as calorie counts will not be readily assessable... Part of me feels like I deserve a splurge and a week off and then I hear TD in my head treating to boot my but out of this program for not "getting it".

That's all for today! I know I need to post some pictures. That might happen later today or on Sunday if I have time.

Have a great week!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Goooooooooooood Morning!

Well it's 9:30 am on Saturday morning and so far I've already had an hour work out with Mazda. Showered and got ready for the day. Took Titan for a car ride to TD's for a weigh in. Lost 1.6 lbs this week. Ate breakfast, played with puppies and now I'm getting ready for the fun day we have planned!

More on the 1.6 lbs... I kinda feel like it should have been more. Not that I'm looking a gift horse in the mouth but I'm just not getting those big losses like I used to. I guess I can't expect it but they were super motivating. As you know I'm not a fan of mini goals but... I have this goal that popped into my head last week that I should have lost 70 lbs by the time we leave on our Michigan trip on August 11th. I'm going with it. 70 or bust! 3 weeks... Can it be done? I guess I have my work cut out for me to see!! Wish me Luck? That's a pretty lofty goal... am I being to ambitious?

Today we are headed out to the Street of Dreams. This is a LOVE of mine!! Jordan and I constantly plan our lives as if we were going to win the lottery tomorrow. Then I'll see something excessive and extravagant and ask him if I can have it and he says... of course you can... if we are dreaming dream big right?! I will probably never live on the street of dreams but lately I definitely feel like I'm living mine! It's funny how you think this that are important become a lot less important when you re-prioritize...

Tonight is date night! We are going to try out Hiro Sushi tonight... I'm not a sushi fan but Jordan has been really into it lately so this will be a nice compromise! How does one eat at Hiro when they do not have calorie counts you ask? My plan is to keep it light with a bowl of Hot and Sour soup which is about 80 calories per serving. This may sound lame to some but... I happen to LOVE Hot and Sour soup and consider myself some what of a soup snob :) I'm excited!!!

We are off to see a movie after that... The sorcerer something or another... I don't really know... Jordan wants to see it... I generally don't care what we see as long as it's not scary, I just love sharing a moving with him :) Last night we saw Inception with Leonardo Decaprio.... The verdict is out on that one for me... I think it was to much thinking for me but Jordan thought it was awesome. It held is interest and kept him thinking which is hard to do.

OK well that's all today! Hope everyone is staying cool and dry is this Humid Nebraska summer weather!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Catching Up!!

MY WORD!!! The new puppy keeps me so busy I haven't even had time to blog!!!

The new puppy is amazing. I just love him to pieces. Him and Mazda have become fast friends. She's the typical big sister... "I can play my toys, and I can play your your toys... but all the toys are mine and I decide whether you get to play with them!" He's very accepting of his place in the pack. Although he put on 4 pounds in a week and is about 10 pounds now... before to long he will be bigger than Mazda and we'll see who's toys are who's then! I've see a few jealous twinges but other than that things are going great. Potty training... may be another issue but he's just 9 weeks old today so... I'll cut him a break! He's not a cuddle bug like Mazda but that's OK with me. He's happy to be by you but doesn't nee to be ON you.

He's crated at night and that makes my separation anxiety ridden Mazi nervous but she's handling it well. We plan to video tap them next week so that we know how it goes during the day.
They are both crated during the day.

I'm having a really great week on the diet front. I haven't gotten to work out as much as I like with Titan being around but I'm getting in at least my 1/2 hour and my clothes feel much looser this week. As you know I've been battling a small FUNK for about the past month and a half. I've been feeling like maybe I'm solely loosing steam... not seeing results as fast as I want... that sort of thing.

On Monday I took the plunge and did something pretty "uncharacter" of me... I called up a travel agent and asked for quotes for a few different places. Yes that's right! I finally stopped obsessing over shelling out money for travel and just went with it. (I worked at Marriott for 3 years and never payed over 50 bucks for a room so my ideas of what a room should cost were slightly flawed :) I came home and discussed some options with Jordan and got the green light for a trip to Mexico in January!!! We will be staying here : . I'm just totally beyond excited!

I think this belated honeymoon will be just what I need to help me with my day to day motivation so that I'm looking and feeling my best on the beaches!

I promise to put up some pictures of Titan sometime soon, and I hope I can get Mazda in some too! (Mazda is camera shy and VERY hard to catch on camera!)

Have an awesome week. I can't wait to weigh inn Saturday morning and report the good news!!

Monday, July 5, 2010


OH MY WORD! What a busy busy weekend!!!

We had our first 4th of July party last night and it was a blast! I did have to throw a fit on Sunday morning because it was raining and I decided all my plans would be ruined but... the weather cleared and it was the perfect evening for a party!!

My dad made steaks and my brother made homemade froze custard, I made chocolate cake batter ice cream and it all turned out AH-MAY-ZING!

Today I have just been cleaning up from the party and running errands. I bought some stuff to get my office at home more organized so that's exciting.

Today I completed my third week of C25K!!! I worked out for about an hour before Mazda decided we were done working out and it was time to walk home... she is definitely a girl who knows what she wants!!

I need to continue getting things done because at about 7:30 tonight... Titan comes home!!! I can't wait for him and Mazda to meet and be best buds!

More later!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

1.4 lbs and a Wedding!

Today's weigh in was a minus of 1.4 lbs for a grand total of 62. The day has been very busy filled with work outs and errands. Today one of my good friends got married!!! The wedding was beautiful and the reception was a blast. Best of luck to Heather and "D" in their life as husband and wife! Here are a few photos from tonight! Tomorrow is full of cleaning so we can go to Dunlap for lunch with family and back to our house for a 4th of July bash of our own!!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Puppy Love !!

60 lbs Less!

So.... Saturday I was able to got my 60 lb band! I don't wear them but I do keep them on my dresser and look at them every day! Embarrassingly enough I get excited to see what the next one will look like! It feels great to have come this far especially with feeling like I'm in a "rut" lately! Jordan and I will continue to walk the Lake as much as possible however.... we will be over dosing ourselves on bug spray from now on! I have approximately 25 mosquito bites right now... mostly on my shoulders and back! If you know me you know that mosquito's and me are not at all compatible and when they bite me, the bites swell up and are actually welts... :( Lesson learned and bug spray has been purchased!
I also purchased so new work out clothes this week as mine were falling off of me! That's a good thing although if you know me... you know I HATE having to buy clothes that I don't plan on fitting me in 20-30 lbs! That's not budget smart!! Me and Target are BFF's, the rule is no expensive name brand work out clothes until goal weight is reached :) Target does however have a great active wear section so you should check it out!!
Jordan works 6am-6pm now and on days that he goes to work I have been waking up at 5 with him to get a work out in. I really like being up before everyone and knowing that the most important part of my day is complete! Today I finished week 2 of Couch to 5k... I got a bit behind with the RAIN cloud that fell over Omaha for about 10 days straight... booo!
Those of you that request pictures... I'll try and get some up this week... maybe I'll get one with the new puppy! We are going to pick out out tonight although we do already know which one is ours.... I'm so excited to get him home and let him and Mazda become best buddies!
The Boerma family is growing by leaps and bounds! None of us have children yet but... Mazda has several cousins and in addition to a brother she is getting a new cousin! To date we have: Dempsey Boerma- Justin and Casey's adorable Black Lab, Jake- Josh and Meg's Silky Terrier, Mazda- Our Jack Russel or Rat Terrier Mixed with Italian Grey Hound, and in the next week the family will grow adding Titan- Our Brittany Spaniel, Tungsten- Nancy's Golden Retriever pup! I can't wait until we get them all together!!!
That's all for today. I can't wait to shed more pounds and get closer to my final goal!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Woooops!! I've been MIA haven't I? Gosh things have been so busy the past few weeks!
I'll also have to admit I've been in a diet funk. I've been hungry for the past few weeks and I"m not loosing weight as fast as I was w/ the first 50 lbs. It's been putting me in a FUNK.

I broke down and called TD today who answered my call with "Hi Sarah".... that's weird but OK.

TD was great he reminded me that it's OK to be hungry, being hungry means that your body is doing what it's supposed to to loose weight and he is right. He reminded me I'm eating 1650 calories 25-40 grams of fiber, and at least 8 glasses of water so it's not like my body isn't getting what it needs... TD did remind me that a gain isn't the end of the world and it's to be expected now and then. I have a huge FEAR of gaining. I also have a huge fear of eating up to my 1650 calories... he's never said I couldn't he's just said I coudnl't go over. I also addressed this with him today and he reassured me that that he gave me a limit to eat to and I can eat to it."Eating 1650 calories is equally as acceptable as eating 1000 calories on this diet!" He reminded me that people afraid to eat are the people that end up with an eating disorder. Just "food" for thought for all of you struggling... Eat to your limit if your starving like me all the time... it's OK!

It's time to hunker down and recommit. I have a lofty goal to accomplish this year and it's totally doable if I stay on target.

Jordan and I have been walking from our home up to Standing Bear Lake! It's been so fun to get up on the trail and see all the different people and have space to talk together! Last Friday he pushed me to my ultimate limit and we walked around the ENTIRE lake... WITH Mazda... In 95 degree weather.... That was crazy!

I'd do it again but the weather would have to be cooler. It took us just under 2 hours. Tonight we walked a good portion in 1 hour and 20 mins!

That's all for tonight I'm hoping for a great loss this week to get me back in the swing of things. More this weekend!

Monday, June 7, 2010


Oh my! What a week it has been since I last posted! This past week was all about preparing for the trip we were making to KC this past weekend. Jordan got to go fishing Tuesday to Wednesday with his dad so that was nice. We had a bad storm on Tuesday night and we were with out power for about 5 or 6 hours but I had the chance to get to know some neighbors better so that was cool!

Wednesday we had to get Mazda in to the vet to look at something we had been previously told was a wart that had burst for lack of a better term. We found out that it needed to be removed ASAP for fear it was cancer. We took her back Thursday to have it removed and she has been recovering nicely and acting like her old self pretty much right away.

Friday after an early weigh in where I only lost .8 lbs we started our vacation! We went to KC over the weekend to meet Jordan's cousin's from Michigan and his sister who lives in KC along with Jordan's other brother's when they could make it to eat some BBQ, watch the Tigers/Royals series, celebrate Josh's girlfriend Megan's 21st birthday, and go to Worlds/Oceans of fun!!

On the eating front I won't say I did an amazing job tracking my food but I did make sure I worked out an hour each morning and then we did a ton of walking at the baseball games and worlds/oceans of fun! I did cheat and weigh and I hadn't gained any weight and still have until Saturday morning to loose so I consider that a success!

We got home about 1am this morning and I was lucky enough to have the day off. Jordan had to go to work at noon. Jordan and I had so much fun and the vacation was much needed. I've gotten to the grocery store, made dinner already and I'm about to work on some banana bread.

Hope everyone had a great week and that Monday is off to a great start!!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Down by 2

Hello! Sorry it's been a week since I was able to post! What a crazy week! On Saturday I made my weight loss total 56 lbs total! I fnally had Jordan take a few pics tonight! The weekend was for the most part uneventful due to Jordan working all weekend but Today we made up for it!

We started the day off with a walk up to Standing Bear Lake with Mazda and then finished our landscaping project. I had a killer farmers tan from walking outside every day and thought I should try and even it out by wearing my swim suit top while we worked outside today... As you can see below I now have a burn... oh well... it will soon be tan!

This week is all about doing the best I can to set up for a fantastic weekend with the MI Boerma's. We will be taking in a few baseball games and some BBQ! I'm so excited!

So below are the much requested pictures at 56 lbs. Hope to have more time to write later!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

A Gain

I'm up pound this week. It's hard to admit but... it's life and you have to take the good from the bad and know that you can fix it for next week. Also.... I started the bad habit of drinking soda again so... bye bye soda I realize you hinder my success... you are bubbly and delicious and I will indulge on you one day a week instead of a few morning a week.

Jordan bought himself a pedometer and is also getting in to counting the steps, it's been great for us. We've been getting in walks together and this week in addition to our walks I'm going to throw in a video exercise. I got my hands on a copy of Slim and 6.... I'm going to try it out eventually but... when it's so nice outside I can't justify being in the house to work out! Also, I bought Jillian Michael's yoga melt down and I LOVE it, so give it a try if you've been wondering.
I also have 30 Day Shred and Biggest Looser Cardio work out. I'm building an arsenal of videos so I don't get bored.

My friend Jen got me a free pass to Curves so I will also be checking that out. Now that I'm not sick and things have settled down a lot! I can't wait to check it out!

Mazda has K9 Elementary school today! She needs to be the best puppy she can be because if you haven't heard already... the new addition to our family will be home in 8 weeks! Jordan has forever wanted a hunting dog. We love our little rescue but we realized very quickly she needed a friend and that she wouldn't ever be a very good hunter :) She's a great dog to keep me motivated for walks and stuff but... Jordan still felt the need for a bird dog!

We also realized quickly a lab might be to big for Mazda although the more I see about her the more I think she's one tough little princess that can give any dog a run for their money!! A coworker and friend of Jordan's has Brittany's and ever since my aunt Gayla and Uncle chip had one I have been in love with them! The breeder his friend knows is a great guy who loves his dogs to pieces they are his life and he makes sure they all go to great homes and keeps up with all of the owners of his past litters. When you go into his house it's lined with pictures and paintings of his dogs and of all of their accomplishments in the hunting/field training competitive circuit. I was leery to go with a breeder because there are so many dogs that need our love from shelters but... I fell in love with the mom and I'm confident there is no funny business going on with this breeder :)

Our new addition was born on Wednesday and we can go visit him at 3 weeks and he can come home at 8 weeks! Those of you that know my husband know he's a Chemistry nerd and wants all of his dogs to be named after the periodic table of elements... (it's OK the laugh it's funny). So our new dog's name will be Titian which will be short for Titanium. He really wanted Tungsten but I have to remind him that his sister had called dibs on that one. :) If we would have gotten a girl, her name would have been Ruby... short for Rubidium...

We can't wait for our new puppy to be home and we can't wait to see how excited Mazda is! She lives to play, especially with other dogs!

Tonight we are going to Mudbugz in Valley with my Parents and brother to celebrate my dad's birthday back from May 5th, it's been a busy month in the Brandenburg family so it will be good to catch up. Now... I don't know a lot about Mudbugz but I'm expecting everything to be fried and injected with extra fat. It's OK, I have my game plan, I'm going to have all my fiber in before I go and keep my eating minimal today. Then I'm going to go from there. My mom will be in the same boat and I know we can make it work!

I hope your weekend is whatever you were hoping it would be!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Shape Up or Ship Out!

What a Monday! Work is busier than ever which is good but also bad it feels like 4th quarter now... what's 4th quarter going to feel like ???? I'm already worried about it!

In health news... the next thing is hard to admit. At the beginning of this year my cholesterol was TERRIBLE. And by terrible I mean 260 (total)... my LDL has always been fantastic but my HCL CRAPPY. I resorted to medicine but in just 5 months and 50+ pounds and medicine. I've brought it down to 165 (total) . I'm pretty happy with myself. My LDL is 81 which I guess is good too.
I'm so embarrassed to have to tell you how high it was but... this blog is about my experience and I want to make sure if someone is reading this out there with this same issue, they see that it can be fixed! The plan is to continue on the medication for now I suffer from both sides of my family from bad cholesterol. All I can keep in mind is that I'm doing something about it!

Today at work started the "Shape Up Challenge" It's a 12 week program to increase your daily steps walked. They say that most people are between 2000-4000 per day and they want us to work up to 10,000 by the end of this all. The thing about this is... the day isn't over and I'm at 9515 steps... so I guess I have my work cut out for me for more than 10k! Look out LFG I'm gonna be the WINNER!

That's all for tonight... I need to get rid of my hiccups!!
Tuesday night is for volleyball! maybe we will win?

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Minus 2!

I'm down another 2 lbs! Yay! That's 54.4 total :) Happy weekend! What a week! I picked up some sort of virus that acts like strep that isn't strep as you know and I'm still fighting of the sore throat from that. I went to the Dr. this morning to get my blood drawn to check my cholesterol and stuff... hoping that all comes back better than ever of course!

We are dog sitting my family's dog Zoey. She is OLD like 15/16 years old and I just get so sad knowing this is what I have to look forward to. She pooped in my car!!! WTF Zoey? not cool!

Today I'm trying out a HG recipe, slow cookin' bbq chicken!
In your crock pot mix:
1c tomato sauce
1/2 c ketchup
2 TBS and 2 tsp of brown sugar (not packed)
2 TBS and 2 tsp of cider vinegar
2 tsp garlic powder

Add 1.5 lbs of chicken breast. Cook on low for 7-8 yours or high for 3-4 hours.
Once chicken is cooked remove and shred and add back to slow cooker to absorb sauce.

I'll let you all know how it is. Makes 7 servings.
For about 1/2c:
149 Cal
1g fat
462 mg sodium
10g Carb
<.5 g fiber
9g sugar
22.5 protein

I plan to serve with the Sara Lee 80 calorie hamburger bun w/ 6g of fiber OR make wraps w/ whole wheat tortillas.

Other than that today I still have to work out, take Mazda to school and work on laundry.

Hope you are all having a great weekend! :)

Monday, May 10, 2010

Case of the Mondays


Although I did not have to work today we had to attend the funeral for Dave Grosserode.... we are to young to be burring our parents and this just isn't fair.... With that being said this is how God intended it and so it is. The Lord was ready for Dave to serve him and we know he will be reunited with his parents and nephew and that he will wait with open arms for the rest of his loved ones and shine upon them in the mean time....
On a light hearted note... Dave... 15 years of adoration and you didn't have any pull for some golfing weather today?? You have all girls and you know how they can be about their hair!

It's been cold and rainy here today which has NOT created great motivation but I will find it.
I'm also still battling whatever virus this is that sucks.

That is all for this dreary Monday. Wish my luck in my venture to "enter a new century" :)

Saturday, May 8, 2010


What a week....
Sorry it has been so long since my last post. A lot has happened this week.

I'm very sad to say that Tuesday morning some very dear friends lost a husband/father/friend. Dave Grosserode passed away unexpectedly on Tuesday morning. It has jolted everyone that knew him and the Grosserode family and my heart is breaking for them. Dave was an amazing faith filled man who loved his family, running, the huskers, golfing, and going out to eat,. He was an amazing example and inspiration as a loving father. I continue to pray every day for the Grosserode's and I know that the Lord will surround them with love through this difficult time. Please keep them in your prayers as the next few days will be hard but the road has just begun. Father's day will be hard, Heather's wedding will be hard, birthday's will be hard. Hopefully the prayers we lift up for them will help support them through these days. If you guys are reading this I love you all so much and I'm hear of you whatever you need. Stir fry night to follow soon... and of course lettuce wraps for the appetizer bowls :P

The stress of the week took a toll on my body. Wednesday I had a massive headache that made me sick to my stomach and Thursday evening I got a sore throat, Friday I felt like death and actually had a fever which I haven't had since I had the flu as a Jr. in college, and before that I was a freshman in high school. Dr. at the quick care confirmed that I don't have strep, just a virus and said that my prescriptions were for unlimited Popsicles and sleep. Not gonna lie... that lady is my new BFF... unlimited Popsicles and sleep??? HELLOOOO!

I'm feeling much better today and I'm happy to report that I lost 3 lbs this week for a total of 52.4 :) I'm taking it easy until this after noon when Mazda has her first day of school for K9 elementary through the Nebraska Humane Society !!!!

We will also be cleaning this nasty house so that our friend Matt can come and visit... he is coming for Dave's funeral, not the circumstances we want to see him under but none the less, we are glad to have him as a guest.

Thanks for reading. Let this be a reminder to hold those you love close and never let them forget how much you care. Life is precious and it can be taken from us at any time. We are never given more than we can handle and Jesus will hold us through the hard times and support us through the happy times.


Monday, May 3, 2010

Back in the Game!

Back to the swing of things!

This was a tough week. I had to make myself exercise and eat with in my calories all week and I had no ambition or motivation. It resulted in only loosing 1 lb and left me .6lbs sort of my 50 lb by May 1 goal. I did cheat and weigh myself this morning and I'm easily at 50lbs now but that's not what counts. I didn't deliver on the small goal I had set for myself and it's due to my lack of motivation this past week. I've had some time to contemplate where I need to give more and the answer is simple.... stop making excuses and just get back on track.

A ton of people are starting to notice my weight loss... family, friends, coworkers... even people I don't really know at work. IT's a great feeling when they ask me how I'm doing and I love to tell them "by watching how many calories I intake, increasing my fiber and water intake and working out 30-60 mins every day" Sometimes they are excited and want to know more... some of them almost look disappointed it's not a magic pill/shake/protein bar... and may say the following phrase.... "Good for you... I really just don't have the time to do all that stuff in my life..."

Part of me feels like the last phrase is a slap in the face to all of the people who do make time. Everyone has commitments, everyone has battles, struggles, and "stuff" going on... It's up to you to make the time to decide that you are worth 30-60 mins a day and the time it takes to track/plan your meals.... You really are. And if you ask TD I bet he know 100 people just as buys as these sorts of people above think they are... but they are doing it. I know 2 mothers of 2 with FT jobs and someone in sales that works a TON and has a small independent business of her own doing this diet right now... and they are doing it so in my opinion anyone can do it if they let themselves be open to the idea and ask for help and support from their families.

The second thing I've been thinking of is... This life style change is about making me the healthiest happiest person I can be because when I'm healthy and happy I feel like I"m the best I can be for my friends and family. I'm not only making this change for myself, I'm making it so that when I decide to have children I am in the best condition I can possibly be in to promote a healthy, happy pregnancy and have the energy and stamina it takes to do all the things I dream of doing wight our future children.

This was more evident than every this past week. We got an e-mail requesting we work 5 hours of over time this week which really threw a wrench in my schedule. I know it doesn't seem like a lot but the past week I felt like with everything else I had going on there wasn't anything more I could take on. Because I got this idea in my head my progress suffered but I'm back in the game this week.

I have decided there will be no more mini gals... a loss is a loss and i"m just going to let it happen. for me it put to much pressure on me and I let myself down. The fact that I'm doing this is a huge accomplishment. I just need to let it happen.

I'm recovering from my grandma's 80th birthday party. We had a great turn out and it was nice to see everyone come out and celebrate with her. I'll post a picture later and it will actually be a nice picture where I've cleaned up a bit! Today is just cleaning the house and getting Dyson back from the doctor (Mazda ate the cord). And preparing for the work week and a great weight loss week.

I'll leave you with this...In 14.5 weeks I've basically lost 50 lbs... that is about 3.44 lbs per wee and that's pretty darn fantastic.

I hope this post finds you working towards your goals whatever they may be and remembering that even when it seems like it's to hard to get there... it wasn't hard all of the weeks before so it's going to be ok, you'll get through it... I did!

Sunday, April 25, 2010


DANG! has it really been a week since I posted last? Guess so!!!

Where to start.... week was uneventful and way to long. Felt like I ate horrible and totally laxed on the work outs....

Jordan was Turkey Hunting this weekend so Mazda and I were on our own Thursday through today....

Friday--- again uneventfu.

Saturday I woke up and made the trek to the other end of Omaha to pray I lost 1 lbs.... what a nice surprise to have lost 3.2! That puts me in GREAT shape for my May 1 goal of 50lbs! I'm very happy about that.

I also had breakfast with some old coworkers so that was fun.

The big event was that Mazda and I went to the country to visit my Aunt Gayla and her family in Martell, NE. It was also my cousin Katie's prom so I got to see her all dolled up. She looked AH-may-ZING!! Mazda got to play with their dogs Doc- the yellow lab, and Roscoe- the cocker spaniel... she encountered some not so cool springer spaniels and ran off to try and play with them.... so then she had to be confined to the leash.

Other than that, not much going on today... Just vegging at home :)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Weekend Update

Oh my! It's been awhile! What a busy week. We are in the midst of a landscaping project. It's going really slow because we... (by we I mean Jordan and his brother Justin) have been removing all the nasty rock from around our home to make way for nice fresh mulch. Many of you may say you'd rather have the rock but... I like the look of mulch and we had almost all thorn bushes around our home and I wanted those ugly suckers out of here! So moving the rock was pretty much inevitable. The other thing that makes it slow is that Jordan works every other weekend and will be going on his annual Turkey Hunt up north with his bestie Trent... man wouldn't he cringe at the word bestie ?? :) Friday Justin loaded up the rest of the rock and hopefully this week Jordan can make some headway!

Saturday morning I made my way over to TD's. I was a bit nervous this week because I felt like I ate a lot more than normal and I had Chinese on Wed which always takes like 2 weeks to be purged from my system :) I dropped 1.2 lbs for a total of 45.2 which is great but not as much as I hoped. I have 4.8 lbs to hit my May 1 goal so I have my work cut out for me!

After weigh in my mom, Mazda, and I made our way up to my mom's hometown of Earling, IA to spend some quality time with my Grandma Koch. Saturday we got the front porch and yard cleaned up and did some other random things. We went to the near by town of Panama, IA for dinner at a small restaurant called Norma Jean's. We took my great uncle Linnie (Linus) and that was a great time. My mom and I were able to split a 10 oz sirloin.

Today (Sunday) we tackled cleaning out the DEEP FREEZE (scary) and got a few more small tasks complete. My grandma also took in some of my work pants so I could continue to wear them as I loose weight. Thanks Grandma. I also washed her car for her. Mazda was a good girl and met a 10 week old Yellow Lab pup named Bentley... Oh my he was such a lover. Mazda ran away twice but we were able to bring her back.

Now I'm just doing house work (Laundry, Vacuuming, Dishes, ect) and getting ready for the week that lies ahead. Mazda is... sleeping next to me hoping I never move so that she isn't disturbed.

My hope is that I am able to curb the snacking this week and bump up the work out intensity and get closer to my May 1 goal.

Much Love!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Skinny Cow?

Um.... pretty much the most amazing diet friendly desert EVER!!!!!!!! Jordan loves the strawberry short cake one... I'm not a fan of it but... The mint chocolate ice cream sandwich AND the Chocolate Fudge Cone.... Are just simply HEAVENLY... AND they have fiber in them! HOLLERRR!

I have had a great start to the week. With the nice weather and the return of my nose Mazda and I have gotten 2 great jogs in and then I've been finishing up with a 20 min Turbo Jam. You'd think she ran a marathon! I wish she'd let me get a pic of her but she always wakes up and gets shy!

That's all for tonight!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Feeeelin' IT

HOOOOOLLLYYYYYY COW! I did the Turbo Jams Cardio Party last night and MAN OHHHHHHHHHHHHH MAN is my back side feeling it TODAY!!! Dang... there are muscles back there that I'm not sure I knew about before... DAANNNNG! It's a good feeling but I think I'll have to do Cardio Party every other day this week to ease into it. I have 6 more lbs to loose by May 1 to hit my goal and I have until May 1 to do 7 days straight of Cardio Party so... I think I have my work cut out for me!

In other news today will be filled with preparing for the week ahead. Laundry and Yard Work and Grocery Shopping are top priority for the day. Before any of that can happen though, I'm watching the newest Disney Movie... Princess and the Frog!

In Mazda news, we continue to struggle with her separation anxiety. We purchased a pheromone infuser that is supposed to release a pheromone that is secreted by Mother dogs to make their pups know they are safe and at ease. I'll keep you posted on how it goes!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Forty Four!

I'm down another 3.6 lbs this week for a total of 44 which is very exciting! I worked out really hard this week and did 2 20 min Turbo Jam work outs every day.... This week I think I'll try a cardio party and see how it goes!

In other news we are doing some landscaping which has me a bit worried but... it's an outside job so I'm not stressing about it. Because I do inside jobs :D. Also, my cold is back with vengeance!

I'm takin' it easy the rest of the day!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Roller Coaster

Today was kind of a rough day for me. Nothing really big or bad happened but it just kinds stunk. It started out fine and while I'm blessed to have a job... on days when Jordan is off it makes it 10 times harder to drag myself out of bed and leave my husband and my snuggly puppy and go to work. With all that said of course I did it. Only to get to work and find out we are in "focus time" which is sort of a joke to all of us because no one knows we are in focus time but us in the office. The people that bother us are outside of the office and they are kind of needy so they call and call and call... they never get the hint that you will call them back if you leave a message... it kind of grinds on your nerves after awhile!

The bright spot in my day was my lunch date with Jordan to Fetas! Mmmmmm! I love our lunch dates even if they don't happen very often.... after lunch he called to let me know Mazda supposedly peed in her crate.... This brought me back down because she has been having some separation anxiety issues that I've been trying really hard to dispel before the blow up in a huge problem... I feel like I'm failing her and failing at training... kinda bums me out. I know all I can do is keep trying and that consistency is key but... I don't want to be one of those people with the naughty dogs you see on the TV show!

When I got home from work all the issues of the day just had me in a funk so I decided to make my work out the 1st the I did so that I didn't put it off. It's a good thing I did because it really brought me out of my funk! I got home at 4:50, prepped dinner. Worked out for 40 mins, then made Chicken Fajitas for dinner. We sat down and ate dinner TOGETHER, cleaned up and packed lunches all before 6:30... nothing like feeling accomplished!

Last but not least Jessi and I met with 2 other F.A.S.T dieters that we connected with through another networking website and met at Starbucks to kind of talk shop and get a feel for how this program works and what it's all about. It's nice to know there are people out there doing this and to get there opinions on what works for them!

Now we are at the end of the day and I'm totally exhausted and ready to call it a night. I know that tomorrow can be better I just have to make it that way :)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Jesus Christ has risen today. Alleluia!

The Easter Bunny somehow forgot that I'm not married and live at my OWN house and brought my basket (or target sack-- Only a Brandenburg would appreciate that) to my parents house.

In my target sack I got: Princess and the Frog and Beauty and the Beast on DVD. I'm starting my Disney collection over again... if someone comes out with something besides DVD and Blue-Ray so help me Lord on this Easter day.... Someone will pay. I also got an assortment of magazine's and then.... the thing you should all be excited about..... The Hungry Girl Cookbook: Recipes and Survival Strategies for Guilt-Free Eating in the Real World
The link to Lisa Lillien's website is over to the right of you there but this cook book has all the normal people foods but reduced in calories! All the counts are in the book as well. She has a new one that just came out last week as well which I plan on purchasing plus a few others. Check her out!

TD.... this is for you buddy: Today I will have 4 oz Turkey Breast (no skin). 2/3 C Sweet Corn (with a bit of spray butter... don't judge). A Grandma Roll. Strawberries... one of them will be chocolate covered. There you go. That's the plan :) Exercise will commence upon my return from the sleepy town of Dunlap, IA where my Godparents reside.

I hope this Easter find out at peace with your faith and with the life you are living. If not... I hope your faith leads you where it is intended to and guides you to the path of the Lord. After all... it is through Christ that all things are possible.

Many Blessings this Easter season!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

40 lbs down Pictures!

Here you are! I apologize for looking gross but... it is what is is on cleaning day! :)


Well... 40 lbs came faster than I thought! I lost 4.4 lbs this week for a grand total of 40.4 lbs... YAY!!! It feels so great! The 40 lbs band is Orange hence the name of this post :) Today is all about keeping it easy and I'm still on the mind from my sinus infection of course. I promised a pic at 40 lbs... that will have to come later when Jordan gets home from work!!! Tomorrow is Easter... I know TD has been making a big deal about it but for me... the picky eater that doesn't like food to touch it'll be some "Paula corn" which means frozen from the cob from the farm. And some Turkey and a grandma roll :)

I'll post more later! Just wanted to celebrate 40 lbs right now!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

ENOUGH Already!

I'm so over this cold! Yesterday I went back to the Dr. and she agreed I had a sinus infection and gave me a good ol' Z-pack... Wish they could have given me one on SUNDAY so that I didn't have to miss 2 more days of work. TMI I'm sure but... I'm positive I'll loose at least 4 lbs this week maybe even more... ALL of it from SNOT. Boo. I'm on the mend now thanks to the Z-pack and taking it easy today.

I've been messing arround with backgrounds... it will probably change 3 or 4 more times today... Can we say stir crazy/spring fever?!? Also I added a progress tracker...

That's all for now!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Monday down 3 more to go!

I have a love/hate relationship with 4 day work weeks because... I love getting a paid day off (not using my PTO) but it seems like the week drags on that much more. It doesn't help that I'm still fighting with this cold/allergy BS.

On the work out front... day 3 of Turbo Jams... I am still doing learn and burn and plan to do so until I feel like i have the moves down but... Don't worry TD I'm improving my calorie burn every day :P. I really really like it... I didn't think I would because I started with Cardio Party and quit about 5 mins in.... if you know me and my OCD you know I don't quit things very often like that but... IT WAS HARD. I've been getting bored of work outs lately and my allergies have been giving me problems so I needed to move the work outs inside and I need to leave work and get home to my little escape artist Mazda at night. Turbo Jams has two thumbs up from me... I can't wait to move on to one of the harder work outs!!

That's all for tonight. I'm turning in my numbers and going to bed!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

The thing I HATE most...

For those of you that know me... you know that weekends are usually spent cleaning... I can be found any random night of the week showing my beloved Dayson some attention. So a neat freak must have one thing they suck at right?

For me it's laundry and it's BAD. I have formed a super bad habit from my family of doing the laundry, drying the laundry and then throwing it in a pile to wrinkle until I need it and throwing it back in the dryer to fluff up. Sometimes I even leave a load in the dryer and let it tumble for days. About once ever two months I swear off being horrible at laundry and I do it all and put it all away... and I keep up with it for 2 or 3 weeks and then... down the toilet that goes...

So today...despite the fact I'm sick... the laundry is getting washed/dried/folded/ AND put away... I simply can't take it anymore.

In diet news I made English Muffin Pizza's for lunch and they were 200 calories for cheese and 250 for peperoni AND 9 grams of fiber. Not bad eh? For dinner my mommy is spoiling me and bringing me chicken noodle soup and figuring out the nutrition facts for me. I love my mom.

Speaking of my mom she's doing great on the diet front too. She is at 24 lbs lost (I think.. maybe a bit more actually?) and her blood pressure and cholesterol #'s were never better!! I hope to have good news like this when I get all my blood work done in about another 2 ish months :)

I broke down and went to an Alegent Quck Care today to make sure I didn't have strep or something like that... The verdict is a spring cold and some raging seasonal allergies. What does that mean for me? Back on the claritian every day... and just when I thought I could get rid of a pill.... boo. Oh well, I'd rather take one of thos a day then feel like I do now for a week every so often. I had to miss work on Friday and for those of you that know me... you know I HATE using my precious PTO for sickness... That should only be used for FUN!!

That's all for today I think.... My weekend posts have become long.... Sorry!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

A Small Success

Despite the fact I feel like complete trash today. I got my rear end out of bed at 6:20 and went to Walgreen's to stock up on sick staples such as NyQuil... when you feel like crap... you deserve to sleep a lot :) Then I made my way across town to weigh in. I'm down 1.4 lbs... that's 35.6 total. I'm glad it's a loss but I think I could have done better. All things considered this week I'm happy about the loss for sure.

Today will be about resting and trying to get better... I think I'll check out some Turbo Jams today and see what that's all about. The last time I put it in I couldn't keep up... Little did I know there's an instructional video.... I'm not pushing it but I do think it's important to work out on days you feel like crap... because then I regular days you don't want to... you really have no excuse... You did it on the days you were feel like crap right??

I've been watching food network all Friday and Today dreaming about delicious foods I couldn't taste or find calorie counts for...Better to watch Guy Ferrei and All of those on "The Best Thing I Ever Ate" get phat than me right? I like to watch the shows for small hints and to find recipes I can modify.

Ash- I hope your birthday party is rockin'... having if you like cherry coke Ask for a Diet and Effen Black Cherry Vodka... you can thank me later :)

Jessi- I hope your trip goes well. You rocked it this week, what a great foot to start off on for a traveling week. While your there... Please have 1 guilty pleasure and think of me :)

I decided I'll post the next picture at 40 lbs... I am not in the picture mood this weekend so that will be a good milestone :)

That's all for now... Have a fantastic Saturday!

Friday, March 26, 2010


I'm worried that tomarrow might be a gain.... I made the mistake of making Stir Fry last night becuase Jordan was sick and that's what sounded good to him so now I have lots un-needed salt in my body.... on top of that... I woke up this morning with the worst sore throat ever and feel like crap all day long and just wanted to eat things that scratch my throught :( I'll find out tomarrow... All I can do is move forwad....

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


What a totally busy week!

Where to start?
Monday night I really for the life of me can't remember what we had going... I think I was fighting off a sickness and we grilled burgers. I still managed a 3.3 Mile Jog...

Tuesday was Phil's brithday so I helped him do up number 21 right :) BWW has 6 naked tenders for around 260 calories... not bad for a wing place :) I was able to get in a 40 min walk...

Wednesday- We have had TONS of work people in for different events happening so today I had a scheduled lunch at Grainte City... for the record nothing I ever have at that plave is amazing or good. It's always under done, over done, or cold. Today I had the flat bread bbq chicken pizza which was cold and also on a cracker not so much a pizza. I used the counts for pizza though so holler for over-estimation and avoiding the tempation of the only thing they DO do well there... Waffle fries.... their service is also very slow and terrible...
I aslo had a dinner with the sales specialist girls that are in for traning! That was a lot of fun. I had a great time getting to know them and talking shop. I had a beef dip and mashed potatos from Mimi's Cafe... again not impressed and only ate 1/2 of the sandwich and one bite of potatos and decided they were not worth waisting calories on :) Tonight I walked about 30 mins because it was getting colder and lets face it... it's been a long day.

I'm confident I'm at the point in my WL now that I'll be loosing anywhere from 1.5 lbs to 2 lbs per week. This is kind of what I'll shoot for... I'll always welcome a bigger loss but... I keep things in check and I think this is what I can expect.

I'm looking forward to kicking my Thursday and Firday work out's back into high gear for a great weigh in Saturday. I'm so glad it's getting nicer outside! I love being able to excercise and walking Mazda. My little girl pretty much demands walks now :)
I promise to get some updated photos taken this weekend :)

I guess that's all for now. Hope your week is going smoothly :)

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Sorry I have been MIA the past few days getting ready for Phil's graduation party!

In weight loss news... I'm down another 2 lbs... that's 34 total.

In life news... Phil's party was a great success. Everyone had a great time and I got to show our house to everyone. Mazda was the best little girl ever!! We had my aunt and uncle from Missouri stay with us over the weekend and that was a lot of fun! I'm so glad they were able to make it up for the party and visit with all of us!!!

Today I'm recovering, I'm not hungover but I am so sore from being on my feet all day. The plan today is to relax, finish cleaning up (show the Dyson some love) and go to Saphora... I think I might also have to invest in a new pair of jeans and work pants.... I hate spending money on new clothes that I would be able to wear for very long... but I'm super pumped to have clothes that don't fit because I've lost 34 lbs :)

I guess that's all for now... OH I was able to keep it at 1200 calories on the party day... Holler for me :) And I jogged when it was 26 degree's out...

Toodles :)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Today was a better day! I got a great jog in and Mazda was a good little girl!
Tomarrow I'm breaking my lenten promise for Casey's birthday. Don't judge... her favorite is PF Changes and I'm not about to deny a girl her birthday meal!

Started working on cleaning up the kitchen tongiht. Thinks are looking up!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I don't know what my deal is but I'm super un-motivated today. Yea I walked for 45 mins tonight ( my back has been suffering from the jogging so I'm scaling back to just a few days a week ) but I only burned 350 calories... it's getting harder and harder to burn calories but it feels like I'm not ready to push my body to the next level... I'm also frustrated that Mada was able to escape out of her kennel... SIGH...

I'm also getting stressed about Phil's party... just making sure everything is the way I want it... all of these things combined... I promised myself that tomarrow I had to have a better day and a better work out....

That's all for tongiht.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Another Lazy Sunday...

Today has been so busy! Trent came in for Brunch which was fun because we got to grill up some home made sausage... mmmmm mmmmm mmmm! :)
Other than that I have been cleaning up a storm and trying to de-clutter my house for the upcoming graduation festivities!!
I was able to get a job in with Mazda today which I love!

Tongiht... it is laundry, more cleaning, and declutterization! We were aldo able to get some of our pictures and wall hanings up...

Saturday, March 13, 2010


That's right folks 32 lbs down... TD could use a refresher course in addition and subtraction math. Last week I was at 29, today at 32...3 lbs down... *toots own horn* I love meeting goals!
Still more hard work to be done. TD's son Logan said I was going to loose 10 lbs next week and also said I could skip work to do crazy biggest looser work outs so.... Thanks Logan! Maybe 5 year olds should run the world???

I'm gearing up for a great job with Mazda in a bit. And I'm looking forward to a great dinner with the Sallenbach's tonight! Where oh where will we go?!?

In other boring news today... I have to clean for Phillip's party....

Thanks for reading!
Maybe more later!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

GREAT work out!

You all know I'm hot on the trail of 30 lbs this week (crossing fingers). I kicked my work out into high gear tonight and it felt great... now I have to do better tomarrow... Hope I'm not to sore.

Dishes are done, house is semi clean. Life is good. We are doing a deep spring clean this weekend in preperation for the big Graduation Party so I will post pics of the new furniture and rugs this weekend.

Tomarrow the plan is to upgrade my cell phone... cancel the block buster monthly pass and sign up for netflix :)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Good Night!

Today I got a walk in over lunch, came home got a jog in, cleaned up my house, went to dinner with Casey and Justin, and my MIL ANNNND walked with Jordan! Mazda was a happy puppy! That's all for today. All my activity makes up for my less than stellar work out on Tuesday night!!

Monday, March 8, 2010


I'm so happy I got a jog in before the rain started!!! I love being able to be outside and work out! Tuesday is the day we get new furniture!!! YAAAAAAY!!!! :) My house is a total mess right now I can't wait until it's here so I can get everything back in it's place!!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Skinny Jeans...

No no... not the increadably to tight painted on trendy jean your thinking...

Today... I decided to do something daring... I had an old pair of jeans with a broken zipper that I was in love with... I was going to get them fixed and never did and then... never did turned into now they are tight... and now they are to tight turned into they don't fit... (embarassing)... So today I was feeling brave and tried them on and.... THEY FIT!!! HOLLER!! Now I just need to get that silly broken zipper fixed :) Now... don't judge that I had jeans from when I met Jordan still sitting around. They were meant to stick around for this moment today..
What a great freaking feeling!

I'm hard pressed to get 30 lbs this week so I've been kicking it into high gear... Mazi and I jogged for 40 mins this morning and I purchased some new iTunes songs to keep me going :) I'll Take pics at 30 lbs. Next week.

Other than that it's Sunady Funday Laundry day... I hope this post finds you motivated to do the best things for you :)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

2 away....

I'm at 28 lbs total! 2 away from 30 so that's my goal for next week :) Shouldn't be to hard but you can bet I'll be busting it! :) I plan on a jog with Mazda again today... maybe up at Standing Bear Lake for something new... she loves her jogs!

In other new I purchased 2 new area rugs for our living rooms!! Our new furniture comes Tuesday so I'm super pummped. We are gearing up for Phillips graduation party... also my first event to to show off the house so I'm working extra hard to get some projects done!! Other than that... this weekend is about CLEANING!

I hope everyone has a great active weekend!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

New Accomplishment!!

Tonight... Mazi and I needed to get outside and so tongiht we jogged... for 30 mins... I only took about 3 breathers and slowed to a brisk walk....... but... I JOGGED!!! That's so exciting! The plan is be running by May!

It's Friday tomarrow! Good Luck to my freinds that weigh in tomorrow!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


So... the hubbs and I new favorite thing to do is to split meals... that's right... slipt meals... not to save money although I won't lie... it's nice for the bank account:) But... to get the portions in the right place... all meals come with 2 sides usually so we aren't really missing out.... At outback tongith we spend 13.49.... that's amazing right?!?! Try it out!!

In other news tongiht.... we bought furniture for our front "formal Living room!!! I'm just so excited!!! We got a great deal too... that's all for tongiht... must get to bed...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Long Over Due

Hello! I've been slacking on posting weekly pics... Mazda ate our memory card and then I got one and just kept forgetting when Jordan was around. Sunday I had him snap a few shots...

In other news... I have a back issue that's been creeping back right has I have started jogging. I visited the chiropractor on Monday and he said to stick to elliptical and bike but I tried that out Monday night and I JUST CAN'T BURN ENOUGH Calories...

Tongiht I tried a warm up... 15 mins of ball work... a job work with the medicine ball.... and finished with another brisk walk... Then som stretching. I've committed to cutting out the inclines I was doing... that went a bit further but I still feel like it's a step backwards :( Have to do what's right for my back but I want to keep up with my progress! It's kind of made me unmotivated too... blah...

Oh well... as Dori would say... just keep swimming...

PS. As I agree to loose my incline... Bob with the BL is telling me to burn more calories to bump it up and stop using my hands... OK GOD... is that a sign?!?!

I hope this post finds everyone striving for their goals :)

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Saturday!! Day 37

Another 2 lbs down today... that's 26 lbs total! I'm feeling great about that considering I was thinking I would FOR SURE gain! I worked out really hard this week so I'm very proud of my success. Per the advice of my WL sense (My Aunt Gayla) Since I have more than 20 lbs to loose I'm concentrating heavy on the cardio with some squat and lunge work with small weights. This week I noticed how tight I was getting so I've added a 20 min yoga session to every day... I'll let you know if it's works :) PS I started jogging this week... small intervals but... Jogging... yp!

In other news we met with a Brittany Spaniel Breeder this week. We added our names to his list to get a pup from the upcoming litter. He is just waiting for his dog to go into heat. He is thinking early June... I'm so excited the dog is a total sweety and the new puppy will be a great addition to our family. (For Mazda) and also for me... We are going to be working toward running!!

In frustrating news... I have a small budget for some new furniture... and NOTHING that I am "in love with" let me know if you know if anywhere that I might like..
WE went to NFM, Furniture Row Outlet, Ccino, 7 day Furniture, and some place with like 3 couches...SIGH

Tomarrow we are off to Maretel to see the Martin's! Mazda might be more excited than we are to have a puppy Friend to play with!!! Rosco... I hope your ready!!!

Thursday, February 25, 2010


OMG tonight I made Jessi's Turkey Meatball recipe that she had been raving about... DELISH! 166 calories w/ 180 cal high fiber pasta w/ 100 calories for 1 c of sauce (I like it saucy :) Jordan had the meatballs w/ 1/2 c of sauce on a a high fiber bun... I loved them too! This recipie can definitely make another appearance in my kitchen!!

Jordan has been helping in me in the kitchen and I'm loving that too!!

I had a great work out but I still feel like I probably haven't lost any weight this week although I wasn't near has hungry today which is GOOD....

Saturday will be the real test... I find myself to nervous to post the night before weigh in... I'm a weirdo...

That's all for tonight...

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Favorite Quick Meal

Tonight we kept it simple.... I happened upon something called Laura's Lean BBQ beef in the prepared meats section at my grocery store... 5 oz is 245 calories! Coupled with a 80 calorie saralee bun... 5 minute meal that's simply delish!

I'm still feeling really hungry and like my work outs are not helping me burn enough calories... I'm working my bunz off FOR SURE. I have a call in to TD to work it out.

I think some of it is that I feel like if I eat my calorie max... I won't loose weight.... but sometimes I'm legitimately hungry and... the more your work out the more your body needs.... I don't know it has me in a funk...

That's all for tonight...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I am kind of frustrated today! I feel like I am working harder than ever in the gym but burning less calories!!  Kind of frustrating!

My work out got cut short today because the work gym is getting new cardio equipment... Holler!

I made a stir fry tonight for dinner, it was exactly what I wanted... even if I did have to go up to 1540 calories today... It made me feel warm and fuzzy... and then made my nose run... that's a good thing considering the sinus issues I've had of late!!!!

We are considering a weekend trip to KC... trying to get in my head where we can eat/how I can be successful! We'll see where it all comes out :)

That's all for tonight!!

Monday, February 22, 2010


I'm kind of blah today... just meh...

I took my early day today since it's my sucky late Friday... Booo.. I worked out right after work and still made it home by 2.

We had our tax appt tonight and before we ventured to the tax appointment we went to Sam and Louies which has calorie counts! Holler for being able to share a small BBQ Chicken pizza for dinner and still having calories left for the day....
I wanted to eat everything I saw today... kind of a bummer.

Rest assured I stayed with in calories and now they day is done and tomarrow is a new day.

I'm excited because I figured out all my stirfry ingrediants are on the recipie calculator website!


That's all for tonight Mazda and I are practicing going to be earlier :)
Good Night All!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunday Funday!

Started the Morning off with a brisk walk at the mall. I wish I could commit to going into work early and working out before work each day but... That would be just to darn early!... plus... I like to primp in the morning...! I will continue to do my weekday work outs at the gym in my work and explore other exercise on the weekend... I can't WAIT until it's spring and Mazda and I can get outside and do some walking... she could use the energy burn off!

Today is all about preparing for the work week. House work/ Grocery Shopping/ Laundry etc...

I wish I could say I was spending less money on food but I don't fee like we are... even though we aren't going out very much... eating healthy is expensive! That's OK.. the results are worth it!

I hope that you everyone is keeping up with their goals and is ready for another week!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Buh Bye 4 LBS!

Lost 4 lbs this week! Total of 24 lbs :) What a great feeling.

I splurged my full calories allowance tongiht at Ted's Nebraska Grill with my hubby and the Sallenbach's... it was worth it to eat a bison burger and some fries... now if only they had calorie free choclolate milkshakes.... haha!

That's all for tonight...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Fat Tuesday!

I indulged in Chinese food today... my FAVORITE FOOD EVER. I will be giving it up for Lent :) For those of you who know me well you know this will be so difficult :) Things are starting to fall into place and feel easy.... Hope you all are doing great with your resolutions!

Monday, February 15, 2010


Oh my! Today was my holiday from work... After 9 days of headache the anal in me came out and clean/clean/cleaned my house. The floors, the counters. All the bedding. All the blankets on the sofa to keep it safe from mazda. Everything is folded and put away. I did the grocery shopping and Mazda got a bath.

It's amazing how much energy you have when your giving your body everything it needs!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

20 point 2!

I was nervous Saturday morning as I made the trek across town to weigh in at TD's. I traveled Monday-Wednesday and I have had a sinus headache since the Friday before that and I know I had not been pushing myself with the exercise...
I am very proud of myself for exercising even through the headache's!

I was basically just hoping that I would loose 1 lb... and to my surprise... I LOST 4.2!! Bringing my total weight loss in just 3 weeks to 20.2. All through just diet and exercise!!! Wow!!! I feel so great...

The goal is long from being reached but what an accomplishment!!!

Pictures will be posted a bit later after I have had a chance to get cleaned up... today is my first day with out the sinus HEADACHE!!!! I also was able to pick up a new memory card for the camera!

Yay!! Happy Valentine's day!! My love and I will dining at PF Changs... we will be splitting: Pepper Steak, and Lettuce Wraps. I will be having Hot and Sour soup as well!!!

Hope you are finding the motivation you need in your life to reach your goals.

On a sad note... While I have returned from the Windy City... My luggage has not :( My calorie burn count watch is in that luggage... If that can't find my luggage... I could be 45 days before I am able to get reimbursed for another one :(

UNITED SUCKS... Don't fly with them :)

Stay warm!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Short and Sweet

6th day with a sinus headache.... getting old... all doctor said was... get some OTC deconjestants. I'm proud of myself for still working out... tmw is going to be a light day.... ready for weigh in on Saturday? No... Am I ever?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Greetings from the Windy City! Right now it's also the snowy city....

I just want to toot my own horn.... it has been so hard but I have made great choices while I'm here and kept my butt in the gym.
I can't wait to get home and get back into the kitchen and make something yummy to eat though :) Things are going great!

I plan on a 5am wake up to get to the gym, then into the office for the morning and someo f the afternoon. Then... God willing... I will be off and back to O-Town!!!!

Wish me luck!  PS... room service isn't nearly as fun when you can't order a burger/fries and chocolate milkshake!!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

16 LBS

I lost 3 more pounds this week...yay!!! I feel so accomplished! I e-mailed TD awhile ago because I'm thinking I've lost 19 lbs now from what he said my starting weight was but... I'll keep you posted.

I'm apprehensive for the coming week... Monday morning I get to catch the 6am flight to Chicago to help implement the new file storage system for our field offices... there will be lots of eating out.... It will be difficult to fit work outs in but... I know I can do it... I just have to keep my nose to the grindstone and remember that the reason I'm there isn't to eat... it's to WORK.

I'm pretty proud of myself for working out today despite the sinus headache I've had since Friday morning at 4:30am... hence the lack of posting :)

That's all for now! Finished both days to my weekend under 1300 calories... not bad....

SUPER BOWL= Hommade pizza.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Is it Friday yet?!

Has this wee taken forever or WHAT? I tackled chinese today, I only ate 1/2 of my plate and over estimated calories from the research I did and I'm still under for the day! I skipped the gym tonight to get a hair cut. I love it... the verdict is out on wether or not Jordan does but that's ok. I love my aunt Myrna.. I HAVE THE BEST AUNTS! I attempted to go to the mall and walk but the roads suck and I almost ended up in the ditch 3 times and wasn't even up to the light on Fort...

I put in my Leslie Sanso Walk away the pounds DVD. I burned  510 calories and I feel better now. I'm sick of the weather!!! I want to walk outside!!!

That's all for tongiht..... I promise to post pics this weeken. Mazda (the puppy) chewed up our memory card to our camera... Thank you so much Mazda!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Food I LOVE

Here we are at day 13. I am feeling like I can tackle pretty much anything. I wish I was better at calcing my own recipes though.

I made stir-fry tonight which is my FAVORITE meal that I make. We did our best and cacled it t about 70 cals per 4oz and rice at 134 pr 4 oz... this is pretty in line considering the large amount of mushrooms and broccoli in the dish... all and all not bad but the recipe needs some tweaking so it's not ready yet :)

If anyone has any counts on chinese food I would gladly welcome them.. I LOVE Chinese food!!! It's the one food I haven't found anything for that I would love to be able to count. Garlic chicken to be exact :)

Had another great day in the gym... getting nervous for the weigh in...

That's all for tonight!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Today I had already  planned on an Eileen's cookie that a coworker was bringing in. She was so nice to give me advance notice. I found the nutrition info easy. 200 calories. Let me tell you it was NOT worth it. It threw me off all day and I've been HUNGRY.  I was kind of in a cooking funk tonight so my wonderful husband helped make the choice to go to applebee's. I was wanting everything from Chinese food to Pizza....

We got there and I decided on the 4oz sirloin w/ portobello.... 330 calories... Holler! But all I really wanted was the 2 year old across from me's grilled cheese sandwich....Can we say PMSing?

I'm calling it a day at 1400 calories with a fantastic work out in which I showed a MAJOR improvement from Monday!

The Hubs as already agreed to help me tackle the facts of my stir fry... so for those of you who beg for a recipe and I tell you I don't have one it's all in my head.... Wednesday there will be one :)

This is all for tonight it was a stressful day.... Must keep thinking... It's JUST food.... It's not that great...

Monday, February 1, 2010

Slow Learner...

So for years I've dieted and I have kept it a secret or maybe let 1 or 2 people know I was trying to loose weight... that way... if/when I failed... I didn't have anyone asking me questions or steering me back on track... So this time around... I'm telling everyone. The more people that know, the more people I am now accountable to. Should have thought about that a LONG time ago...

Today was a great day... I'm hovering at about 1180 calories w/ 38 fiber. I hit the gym after work with my new polar heart monitor watch. I was able to burn 373 calories in 30 mins. This is way more calories then what the treadmill said I was burning so... keep that in mind... maybe that is not an accurate reading.

I'd say the one downfall is probably that you have to wear a strap around your chest and get it damp before you put it on. All in all not a huge downfall. It was kind of fun. I'm excited to learn more about it and use it more. Tmw... must burn at least 374 calories...

In other news... I picked up some VitaTops from the grocery store based on a recommendation from Hungry Girl. I got the deep chocolate.... YUM. 100 Calories, 1.5 Fat, 21 Carbs, 3 Protein, and 6 Fiber. Check them out they are yummy and there are many flavors... I found them by the Vegetarian foods in the frozen section at Super T.

Also, tonight I made some cut up chicken breasts with a boat load of mushrooms with some BBQ sauce... weighing in at 144 Calories per 4 oz's... it was amazing and I had 8oz!

That's all for today! Did you meet your goals today?

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Back on Track!

Ahhh! Today was a fantastic day!! I started with an 8:00 am Mall walk with Jessi, my mom, and my Aunt Laura. We are all at different paces in our work outs but it was great to know that other I knew were there with me! I walked for a full hour... I can't tell you how much I LOVE working out!

Today I was able to stay at at just over 1200 calories... This I consider a huge accomplishment because I went to lunch at PF Changs with my friend Teresa!! I scoped out the PF Changs nutrition guide online. I went with my game plan and stuck with it. I got Kung Pao Chicken minus the peanuts because... really who needs that fat? I divided it into 3 servings at ate only 1 of the three! I also added a bowl of hot sour soup... they have the BEST. I also tried just a piece of Teresa's Pepper Steak... That will be my next meal there :) All and all I was able to eat at my most favorite place for 463 calories!!! Holler!

I also stopped by TD's to pick up my new polar heart rate watch! More to come on that....

For now it's time to prepare for another busy work week! The game plan is mall walking over lunch and then 1/2 hour work outs after work before I come home.

Keep up on your goals!

<3 Sarah

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Lesson Learned :(

I wanted Chinese food so bad tonight. While PF Changs has nutrition counts... they also have a crazy long wait on Saturday night... So... I found the next best option.... Panda Express and their 250 calorie dish..... SIGH Since I couldn't understand the man helping me... I ended up with what I thought was a 250 option... realized after I ate it that it was not... came home to discover...850 calories... :(

I feel defeated and horrible by this choice. The game plan to make up for it.... Extra 1/2 hour work outs all week long and 1200 calorie limit.... I have a game plan... I feel good about that but...

Moral of the story... make sure you don't just say yes to the man who doesn't speak English!


I rocked it hard Friday! I kept it at just over 1100 calories and hit 45 mins of cardio. I got as much fiber as possible and about 10 glasses of water... maybe more.! I did 15 mins on the treadmill over my lunch which is all I could spare on the last day of the month but after work I hit the mall with my Aunt Gayla who was up from Lincoln. It felt great to walk with someone who could keep up with me.... I have little legs... I walk very fast on a normal day to keep with with Jordan....

I didn't eat any beef or corn yesterday and tried to watch the sodium. All the hard work this week has paid off! I went to TD's house this morning for the first weigh in.... I was sooo nervous and then he said.... your down 13 lbs....

SAY WHA TD!?!?! Yes that's right... 13 pounds! What a great feeling! Now back to the grind have to work hard for next week!! I'm proudly wearing my blue wrist band... can't wait for the next 10 lb mark... only 7 more to go.

After weigh in I hit the mall with my mom and got a great 30 mins in.

Also.... I want to say great job to Jessi, Ashley, and my mom. All had great weigh in's this week. Keep it up ladies!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Another Day Bites the DUST!

Another great day in the books!

I got to have lunch with my of my most favorite people today! We went to Old Chicago! I ordered the lunch pizza and salad... I only ate 2 slices of the pizza and I used probably less than a tsp of dressing (dipping my for in the dressing then the salad). I was able to stay at 1350 calories today and may Yummy Sloppy Joes for dinner!

I used my gym membership at work today and did 30 mins (1.5 miles).... There you go TD... I can now start the measurable improvement!

I'm excited to get on the scale on Saturday morning and see what the results are. I will remember: No beef or corn. No food or drink after 8pm. Best work out, no strength traning! That won't be hard because tommarrow I get to walk the mall with my Aunt Gayla after work!!

That's all for tongiht!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Middle of the Week

I've made it through Wednesday! What a great feeling. Did 35 mins at the mall over lunch... I really pushed myself today and it felt great!!! I made chicken fajitas for dinner!! They were tastey as always!
I managed to stay at 1342 calories today and max out my fiber and water and I'm still a bit hungry but today... I kind of feel like that's ok... My brian and body can think it's hungry but... I've given in everything it needs today.

For someone who usually eats when they are bored and whenEVER they "feel" hungry... the statement above is a great step. I touched base with my Aunt Gayla, she really is the true deffinition of a halthy lifestyle.... she's my inspiration and my role model! She introduced me to a great website today!

Check it out! Lots of great info!. Today I also took another fitness step and joined the gym at my work. 50.00 for the year... can't pass that up! I'm blessed to have so many people cheering me on!
My hubby has even gotten on bored and loves this "diet". Today was a day with a lot less frustrations and I'm feeling really great about my choices and my commitment make sure I exercise with out the dvd's or the wii actibve until I have a proper way to measure my improvement AND for learning PORTION CONTROL... ahhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhh Portion Control... I think you all know what popular The artist formally known as I think he's just the artist?? that the melody I just sang with that comes from!!

Until tmw! Think Thin and Fit!

And no spell check... lame! <3