Saturday, August 7, 2010


Once again life has gotten in the way of blogging!! I didn't get to 70 lbs by the time we left for Michigan but after weigh inn today I don't feel so bad about WHY. I did loose a .5 lb this week but I was pretty bummed. TD felt it was time to reduce the calories. If I would have started the program today I would have been given the calorie max of 1400 instead of 1650. I have mixed feelings about my calories being reduced this low... I now feel like maybe I couldn't get what I wanted out at dinner. The other part of me knows this is probably what I need to get me over the hump and on to my goal.

The new puppy keeps us pretty busy. After a month today he is finally starting to get the hang of the potty training thing! That makes this puppy mom VERY happy. Titan and Mazda continue to get along great and they love playing from the time they get up from the time they go to bed!

On the exercise front I got some new shoes and I LOVE them! Due to the wide feet I have New Balance is the best shoe for me and I dropped some dough on a really great pair this time around! I'm in Week 5 of C25K. I took about 3 weeks on week 4 it was a big change for me. Week 5 should have 3 days. First is 5 min runs and 3 min walks. 2nd Day is 8 min runs and 5 min walks. Third day is 20 min run no walks. So far I've just been doing Day 1 every day but I feel like this upcoming week I should be able to transition into Day 2.

This week is very exciting because Wednesday morning we will leave for Michigan!! I am so excited and can't believe it's been over 2 years since we went last! I'm worried about leaving my fur babies for so long and also worried about how I will do on my diet as calorie counts will not be readily assessable... Part of me feels like I deserve a splurge and a week off and then I hear TD in my head treating to boot my but out of this program for not "getting it".

That's all for today! I know I need to post some pictures. That might happen later today or on Sunday if I have time.

Have a great week!