Thursday, July 15, 2010

Catching Up!!

MY WORD!!! The new puppy keeps me so busy I haven't even had time to blog!!!

The new puppy is amazing. I just love him to pieces. Him and Mazda have become fast friends. She's the typical big sister... "I can play my toys, and I can play your your toys... but all the toys are mine and I decide whether you get to play with them!" He's very accepting of his place in the pack. Although he put on 4 pounds in a week and is about 10 pounds now... before to long he will be bigger than Mazda and we'll see who's toys are who's then! I've see a few jealous twinges but other than that things are going great. Potty training... may be another issue but he's just 9 weeks old today so... I'll cut him a break! He's not a cuddle bug like Mazda but that's OK with me. He's happy to be by you but doesn't nee to be ON you.

He's crated at night and that makes my separation anxiety ridden Mazi nervous but she's handling it well. We plan to video tap them next week so that we know how it goes during the day.
They are both crated during the day.

I'm having a really great week on the diet front. I haven't gotten to work out as much as I like with Titan being around but I'm getting in at least my 1/2 hour and my clothes feel much looser this week. As you know I've been battling a small FUNK for about the past month and a half. I've been feeling like maybe I'm solely loosing steam... not seeing results as fast as I want... that sort of thing.

On Monday I took the plunge and did something pretty "uncharacter" of me... I called up a travel agent and asked for quotes for a few different places. Yes that's right! I finally stopped obsessing over shelling out money for travel and just went with it. (I worked at Marriott for 3 years and never payed over 50 bucks for a room so my ideas of what a room should cost were slightly flawed :) I came home and discussed some options with Jordan and got the green light for a trip to Mexico in January!!! We will be staying here : . I'm just totally beyond excited!

I think this belated honeymoon will be just what I need to help me with my day to day motivation so that I'm looking and feeling my best on the beaches!

I promise to put up some pictures of Titan sometime soon, and I hope I can get Mazda in some too! (Mazda is camera shy and VERY hard to catch on camera!)

Have an awesome week. I can't wait to weigh inn Saturday morning and report the good news!!

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